Everyone seems to be familiar with Ebay these days. The online auction site for just about anything is thriving. While that is good for them it is bad for you, the bargain hunter. Where once you could just walk up to a yard sale and find some great deals, now alot of that stuff is posted on Ebay and you have to contend with a countless number of bidders. There are, however, good deals out there to be had. In fact, if you think about it, the yard sales that do still exist might actually have the best deals.
There is a good chance that if someone is using a yard sale to sell off their goods they are either not Ebay savy or just too lazy to post each item. Either way this works out for you in several ways. First they may have something of value and not know it. Secondly, you only have to compete against the people in the general area of the yard sale.
The weather in NJ just isn't lending itself to any yard sales right now, but don't fret, it will get warmer soon and we at NJ Yard Sale Search will start listing them soon.
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